Welcome, we are very pleased that you've purchased one of our themes.
With this document you will get general information about Ribeye theme, hope that will be helpful for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Import of the demo content failed or nothing happened, what should I do?
How do I change or translate the text of the reservation or contact form?

The text of the reservation and contact form you can change or translate through the "FORQY Restaurant" plugin translations.

Contact or reservation form doesn't send emails, what should I do?

Probably you have a problem with configuration of the PHP mail() (intended for sending emails) function on your server/hosting - as thousands of WordPress users. Therefore you will need to make some additional changes on your server or sending emails through the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

You can try to set the SMTP server using the WP Mail SMTP plugin.

More information on https://wpforms.com/how-to-fix-wordpress-contact-form-not-sending-email-issue/.

How do I rearrange a menu sections or categories?

Menu sections or any categories you can rearrange using the plugin "WP Term Order". You can install this plugin on "Appearance > Install Plugins" page or manually from WordPress Plugins. Then you can rearrange categories using drag-and-drop.

Before you start customizing

If you plan to make some modifications to the code of the theme, will be better to make them via the child theme. If you make modifications directly to the parent theme, you will lose them when the theme is updated. When you make modifications inside of the child theme instead, you can update the parent theme without losing any change you have made.

p>Child Theme you'll find in a "ribeye-child.zip", which is included in a main downloaded package.

More information about child themes you can find in WordPress Codex - https://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes.

Getting Started


To install this theme, you must have a working version of WordPress already installed. For information regarding installing the WordPress platform, please see the WordPress Codex - https://codex.wordpress.org/Installing_WordPress.

Installing theme manually via FTP

Use your FTP Client to upload non-zipped folder called "ribeye" (is located inside of downloaded zip package) and "ribeye-child" (optional child theme) into the "/wp-content/themes/" folder on your server.

Installing Theme Using the WordPress Admin

To add a new theme to your WordPress installation, follow these basic steps:

  1. Log in to the WordPress Administration
  2. Go to "AppearanceThemes › Add New › Upload Theme"
  3. Browse and select theme zip folder called "ribeye.zip" (is located inside of downloaded zip package)
  4. Press Install Now button
  5. Activate theme with Activate link

More information about using themes on https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Themes


To update the theme please follow these basic steps:

  1. Download an updated package from ThemeForest in a "Downloads" section
  2. Log in to the WordPress Administration
  3. Go to "AppearanceThemes
  4. Go to "AppearanceThemes › Add New › Upload Theme"
  5. Browse and select theme zip folder called "ribeye.zip" (is located inside of downloaded zip package)
  6. Press Install Now button
  7. Activate theme with Activate link

Required Plugins

To add the needed functionality to the theme is necessary to activate the required plugins.

  1. Go to "Appearance › Install Plugins"
  2. Install and activate required plugin FORQY Restaurant

The functionality is added to the WordPress, and you can use the theme in a standard way.

Import Demo

Import Automatically

To automatically import the demo content into your WordPress, follow these basic steps:

  1. Go to "Appearance › Install Plugins"
  2. Install and activate plugin One Click Demo Import, if not installed yet
  3. Go to "Appearance › Import Demo"
  4. Choose one of the available version of the theme and press Import
  5. Let the importer work until it displays information about successful (or unsuccessful) importing. Please be patient, it may take a few minutes.

The demo content, widgets and theme options should be imported and you can check your site.

Import Manually

To manually import the demo content into your WordPress, follow these basic steps:

  1. Go to "Appearance › Install Plugins"
  2. Install and activate plugin One Click Demo Import, if not installed yet
  3. Go to "Appearance › Import Demo"
  4. Switch to manual import by click to link Switch to manual import! on the right side.
  5. Upload import files that you can find in a downloaded package in a "content/DEMO" folder.
    • Choose a XML file for content import — choose content.xml file
    • Choose a WIE or JSON file for widget import — choose widgets.json file
    • Choose a DAT file for customizer import — choose settings.dat file
  6. Press Import Demo Data button and import will be processed
  7. Let the importer work until it displays information about successful (or unsuccessful) importing. Please be patient, it may take a few minutes.

The default structure of a permalink uses the post ID as a unique identifier in the url: https://example.com/?p=23. For the SEO of your website is always better to use much friendly pemalinks as: https://example.com/2016/03/04/sample-post. Follow these basic steps to set permalinks:

  1. Go to "SettingsPermalinks"
  2. Select your option of permalink structure in "Common Settings"
  3. Also you can change the category base and tag base (optional)
  4. Press Save Changes

More about Permalinks - https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks

Custom Slugs

Custom slugs of the custom post types as "Menus", "Events" and "Galleries" you can edit directly in Theme Customizer in a Slugs (Appearance › Customize › Slugs):

  • Menu [default: 'menu']
  • Menu Item [default: 'item']
  • Events [default: 'events']
  • Event [default: 'event']
  • Albums [default: 'albums']
  • Gallery [default: 'gallery']

On every change of the slugs always go to Settings › Permalinks page and resave.



By default, the homepage will use a standard blog layout. If you wish to use this layout, you don't need to follow any additional steps.

To set up the homepage, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page by going to "Pages › Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the page (for example: "Homepage") and don't add content, leave it blank. Any content here will be ignored.
  3. Select "Template" called "Homepage" in "Page Attributes" metabox in the right column
  4. Press Publish and page will be saved
  5. Go to "SettingsReading"
  6. Check the radio button "A static page (select below)"
  7. Select "Front page:" called as created page (for example: "Home")
  8. Press Save Changes

Homepage is now set correctly. Don't be alarmed that the page is blank for now, now you need to create slides into a slideshow by following the instructions below.

More about Static Front Page - https://codex.wordpress.org/Creating_a_Static_Front_Page


To create slide for the homepage slideshow, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new slide by going to "Slideshow › Add New Slide"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the slide
  3. Look at "Slide" metabox where you can set the content of the slide
  4. To enable the button, fill the "Button" text and "URL" you wish to link to like "/the-page" or "https://www.domain.com/the-page".
  5. Set slide image in a "Slide Image" metabox in the right column
  6. Press Publish

The first slide is now created. Repeat this process until you'll have created all the slides.

Global slideshow settings you can find in Appearance › Customize › Slideshow


To set up and display badge that appearing above slideshow, follow these steps:

  1. Open Theme Customizer and the section Slideshow (Appearance › Customize › Slideshow)
  2. Check the "Slideshow Badge?" checkbox, checked = displayed
  3. Fill in the "Slideshow Badge Text", default: "Book a table online"
  4. Select the page in "Slideshow Badge Link to Page" on which the link leads, alternatively, create a new page
  5. Press Save & Publish on the top of customizer

The badge should appear on the homepage.

Call to Action

To set up and display line of "Call to Action" blocks under the slideshow, follow these steps:

  1. Go to AppearanceWidgets
  2. Find the widget called "Ribeye: Call to Action" and move it to "Homepage: Call to Action" widget area
  3. Fill in all the required fields of the widget
  4. Press Save

The first "Call to Action" block is now created. Repeat this process until you'll have created all the blocks.


To set up and display about section on homepage, follow these steps:

  1. Open Theme Customizer and the section About (Appearance › Customize › About)
  2. Fill in all the fields
  3. Press Save & Publish on the top of customizer

To display the "About" and "Reservation" button, follow these steps:

  1. Open Theme Customizer and the section Static Front Page (Appearance › Customize › Static Front Page)
  2. Select "Reservations page", alternatively, create a new page
  3. Select "About page", alternatively, create a new page
  4. Press Save & Publish on the top of customizer

The about section should appear on the homepage.


To set up the blog page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page by going to "Pages  ›  Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the page (for example: "Blog") and don't add content, leave it blank. Any content here will be ignored.
  3. Press Publish and page will be saved
  4. Go to "Settings  ›  Reading"
  5. Check the radio button "A static page (select below)" (if isn't already checked)
  6. Select "Posts page:" called as created page (for example: "Blog")
  7. Press Save Changes

Blog page is now set correctly.

Post Formats

This theme supports 4 of the standard WordPress post formats. Post formats are a way for you to choose a specific "format" for each post. Basically, once you give a post a format, it will change how that post is displayed on the front end of the site. For example, a "quote" post will output your entire post content as a blockquote. You can choose a post format from the "Format" box on the "Add New Post" page.

Supported Post Formats
  • Audio
  • Gallery
  • Video
  • Quote
  • Status

More about Post Formats - https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats

Creating Posts

To create post, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new post by going to "Posts  ›  Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the post
  3. Fill in the "Content" of the post
  4. Select post format in "Format" metabox if you want (optional)
  5. Select "Categories" of the post (optional)
  6. Fill in the "Tags" of the post (optional)
  7. Set featured image in "Featured Image" metabox in the left column
  8. Press Publish

The first post is now created.

More about Post Formats - https://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Formats

To set up the menu page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page by going to "Pages  ›  Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the page (for example: "Menu")
  3. Select "Template" called "Menu" in "Page Attributes" metabox in the right column
  4. Press Publish and page will be saved

Menu page is now set correctly.

Creating Sections

To create menu, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new menu by going to "Menu › Sections"
  2. Find the section "Add New Section"
  3. Fill in the "Name" (Appetizers, Main Dishes, Desserts, etc.) of the section
  4. Fill in the "Slug" of the section (doesn't required, will be generated automatically)
  5. Fill in the optional "Description" of the section
  6. Press Add New Section

The first menu section is now created. Repeat this process to create more sections. Now you must to add the menu items into sections, see below.

Creating Menu Items

To create menu item, follow these basic steps:

  1. Create a new menu item by going to "Menus › Add New Menu Item"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the menu item
  3. Fill in the "Content" of the menu item
  4. Fill in the optional information about menu item in "Menu Item" metabox in the central column
  5. Select created menu in "Menus" metabox in the right column
  6. Add the ingredients in "Ingredients" metabox in the right column (optional)
  7. Set menu item image in "Menu Item Image" metabox in the left column
  8. Press Publish

The first menu item is now created. Repeat this process to create more items.


To set up the events page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page by going to "Pages › Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the page (for example: "Events")
  3. Select "Template" called "Events" in "Page Attributes" metabox in the right column
  4. Press Publish and page will be saved

Events page is now set correctly.

Creating Event Categories

To create event category, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new event by going to "Events › Categories"
  2. Find the section "Add New Category"
  3. Fill in the "Name" (Festivals, Brunches, etc.) of the category
  4. Fill in the "Slug" of the category (doesn't required, will be generated automatically)
  5. Fill in the optional "Description" of the category
  6. Press Add New Category

The event category is now created.

Creating Events

To create event, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new event by going to "Events  ›  Add New Event"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the event
  3. Fill in the "Content" of the event
  4. Select an event dates (required) in "Event" metabox in the central column, possibly also the another event options
  5. Set event image in "Event Image" metabox in the left column
  6. Press Publish

The first event is now created.

To set up the gallery page, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page by going to "Pages › Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the page (for example: "Gallery")
  3. Select "Template" called "Gallery" in "Page Attributes" metabox in the right column
  4. Press Publish and page will be saved

Gallery page is now set correctly.

To create category, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new gallery category by going to "Gallery › Categories"
  2. Find the section "Add New Category"
  3. Fill in the "Name" of the category
  4. Fill in the "Slug" of the category (doesn't required, will be generated automatically)
  5. Fill in the optional "Description" of the category
  6. Press Add New Category

The category is now created.

Creating Galleries

To create gallery, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new gallery by going to "Gallery  ›  Add New Gallery"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the gallery
  3. Fill in the "Content" of the gallery
  4. Upload gallery images in "Images" metabox in the central column
  5. Set featured image in "Featured Image" metabox in the left column
  6. Press Publish

The first gallery is now created.


To set up the reservation page with reservation form, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page by going to "Pages › Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the page (for example: "Reservations")
  3. Select "Template" called "Reservations" in "Page Attributes" metabox in the right column
  4. Press Publish and page will be saved

Reservation page is now set correctly.

Reservations are saved to admin, if the reservation form was sent. Reservations you can manage in Reservations section.

Reservations never won't be displayed on frontend.

Settings of the form you can find on "Appearance > Customize > Ribeye > Forms".

If you need to protect the form from spam, install the "FORQY reCAPTCHA" plugin on the "Appearance > Customize" page in your WordPress admin, then set it up on "Settings > FORQY reCAPTCHA".


To set up the contact page with contact form, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new page by going to "Pages › Add New"
  2. Fill in the "Title" of the page (for example: "Contact")
  3. Select "Template" called "Contact" in "Page Attributes" metabox in the right column
  4. Press Publish and page will be saved

Contact page is now set correctly.

Settings of the form you can find on "Appearance > Customize > Ribeye > Forms".

If you need to protect the form from spam, install the "FORQY reCAPTCHA" plugin on the "Appearance > Customize" page in your WordPress admin, then set it up on "Settings > FORQY reCAPTCHA".


The theme has many shortcodes to use in a page, post or widget content.

You can quickly add shortcodes through a wizard to a Post/Page Editor by clicking a Shortcodes button. Or copy some shortcode from below.

TinyMCE Editor with Shortcodes


This shortcode performs highlighting of a selected text.


[forqy-highlight color="default"]A FEW WORDS[/forqy-highlight]

  • color
    • default
    • accent


This shortcode performs emphasizing of a paragraph.


[forqy-emphasize color="default"]PARAGRAPH[/forqy-emphasize]

  • color
    • default
    • accent


This shortcode performs highlighting of a first letter of the paragraph.


[forqy-dropcap type="default" color="default"]FIRST LETTER[/forqy-dropcap]

  • type
    • default
    • square
    • rounded
  • color
    • default
    • accent


This shortcode performs highlighting of some important notice.


[forqy-leadin position="left" color="default"]NOTICE[/forqy-leadin]

  • position
    • left
    • right
    • full
  • color
    • default
    • accent


This shortcode adds an anchor to link to some section from navigation or text link.


[forqy-anchor id="foo"]

  • id
    • original identifier of the section (can not be used multiple times)


This shortcode adds an alert.


[forqy-alert type="default"]ALERT[/forqy-alert]

  • type
    • default
    • accent
    • success
    • error


This shortcode adds a button.


[forqy-button href="#" target="_self" type="default" size="medium"]BUTTON[/forqy-button]

  • href
    • destination url ("/page", "https://example.com/page")
  • target
    • _self (open in current tab/window)
    • _blank (open in new tab/window)
  • type
    • default
    • accent
    • bordered
  • size
    • micro
    • small
    • medium
    • large
    • huge


This shortcode adds an image with lightbox.


[forqy-image src="#" size="medium" align="none" lightbox=""]IMAGE CAPTION[/forqy-image]

  • src
    • source url of the image ("https://example.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/image.jpg" - you can get on "Media › Image")
  • size
    • thumbnail (150x150px max)
    • medium (300x300px max)
    • large (640x640px max)
    • full (original image size)
  • align
    • none
    • left
    • right
    • center
  • lightbox
    • none (if you want to disable a lightbox)


This shortcode adds a divider.


[forqy-divider type="solid" color="default"]

  • type
    • solid
    • dotted
    • dashed
    • double
  • color
    • default
    • accent


This shortcode adds a centerer - a block that specifies the width of the content.

Recommended to use this shortcode on page template "Page - Stretched".


[forqy-centerer size="100"]ARBITRARY CONTENT (INCLUDING SHORTCODES)[/forqy-centerer]

  • size
    • 100 (100% width)
    • 75 (75% width)
    • 50 (50% width)


This shortcodes adds a predefined multicolumn layouts.

2 columns

Adds a predefined 2 columns layout.

3 columns

Adds a predefined 3 columns layout.

4 columns

Adds a predefined 4 columns layout.

5 columns

Adds a predefined 5 columns layout.



This shortcode adds a layout container.

Please, don't add content directly into this shortcode, first, add columns for your content.


[forqy-container align="top" gutter="medium"]COLUMN SHORTCODES[/forqy-container]

  • align - vertical alignment of the columns
    • top
    • center
    • bottom
    • stretch
    • baseline
    • initial
  • gutter - space between columns
    • 0 (no gutter)
    • 1 (1px gutter)
    • xsmall
    • small
    • medium
    • large
    • xlarge

This shortcode adds a layout column.

This shortcode requires being inside of a container shortcode.


[forqy-column width="auto" width-tablet="" width-phone=""]ARBITRARY CONTENT (INCLUDING SHORTCODES)[/forqy-column]

  • width - width of a column on desktop devices
    • auto
    • 100
    • 95
    • 90
    • 85
    • 80
    • 75
    • 70
    • 65
    • 60
    • 55
    • 50
    • 45
    • 40
    • 35
    • 30
    • 25
    • 20
    • 15
    • 10
    • 5
  • width-tablet - width of a column on tablet devices
    • auto
    • 100
    • 95
    • 90
    • 85
    • 80
    • 75
    • 70
    • 65
    • 60
    • 55
    • 50
    • 45
    • 40
    • 35
    • 30
    • 25
    • 20
    • 15
    • 10
    • 5
  • width-phone - width of a column on phone devices
    • auto
    • 100
    • 95
    • 90
    • 85
    • 80
    • 75
    • 70
    • 65
    • 60
    • 55
    • 50
    • 45
    • 40
    • 35
    • 30
    • 25
    • 20
    • 15
    • 10
    • 5


Contact Form

This shortcode adds a contact form.



Reservation Form

This shortcode adds a reservation form.





One of the great features in WordPress is the Theme Customizer which allows you to modify options for a theme and instantly preview them on the site.

  1. Go to "Appearance  ›  Customize" or "Appearance  ›  Themes  ›  Customize (link of Current Theme)" and Theme Customizer will appear
  2. Go to section "Ribeye" or "Ribeye — Child" where you find all settings related to the theme
  3. Select a desired section
  4. Make your changes which then you can see in live preview on the right
  5. Press Save & Publish and settings will be saved

More about Theme Customizer - https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Customization_API

This theme uses WordPress Menus, to setting up the navigation, follow these basic steps:

  1. Go to "Appearance  ›  Menus"
  2. Fill in the "Menu Name" (for example "Navigation") and press Create Menu
  3. In left column tick all "Pages" (Categories, Menus, Events, etc. - you can activate in "Screen Options" on the top right of the page) what you want to place into navigation and press Add to Menu
  4. Navigation items you can sort by dragging as you need
  5. Select the created navigation in "Theme Locations" metabox in the left column and press Save
  6. New navigation has been created and now you can see it on the website

More about Menus - https://codex.wordpress.org/WordPress_Menu_User_Guide


The theme has predefined these image sizes:

Default Thumbnail Sizes
  • fy-medium-fixed - 800px x 450px, crop
  • fy-xlarge-fixed - 1600px x 900px, crop
  • fy-huge - 1920px x AUTO HEIGHT


Below you can find a list of the recommended plugins with the theme, which are well tested with the theme. Recommended plugins you can easily install with plugin installer in Appearance › Install Plugins.

Free Plugins
  • FORQY Restaurant REQUIRED - Adds a restaurant functionality to FORQY WordPress themes
  • One Click Demo Import - Import your demo content, widgets and theme settings with one click.
  • MailChimp for WordPress - MailChimp for WordPress, the absolute best. Subscribe your WordPress site visitors to your MailChimp lists, with ease.
  • Loco Translate
    Loco Translate provides in-browser editing of WordPress translation files.
  • WP Mail SMTP - Reconfigures the wp_mail() function to use SMTP instead of mail() and creates an options page to manage the settings.
  • WordPress reCaptcha Integration - reCaptcha for login, signup, comment forms, Ninja Forms and WooCommerce + Ribeye Contact and Reservation forms.
  • WP Term Order
    Sort taxonomy terms, your way. WP Term Order allows users to order any visible category, tag, or taxonomy term numerically, providing a customized order for their taxonomies.
  • Autoptimize
    Autoptimize makes optimizing your site really easy. It can aggregate, minify and cache scripts and styles, injects CSS in the page head by default but can also inline critical CSS and defer the aggregated full CSS, moves and defers scripts to the footer and minifies HTML.



The newsletter subscription form is based on a plugin MailChimp for WordPress - no needed changes of theme files

  1. Install and activate plugin MailChimp for WordPress - https://wordpress.org/plugins/mailchimp-for-wp/installation/
  2. Navigate to "MailChimp for WP" in main navigation
  3. Create your form - https://mc4wp.com/kb/create-your-first-form/, do not need to use shortcode or PHP function
  4. Save all settings and subscription form will be displayed automatically above the footer
  5. To edit the Title, Content or Footer of subscription form, please navigate to "Appearance  ›  Customize  ›  Newsletter"
  6. Change the values by your preferences
  7. Press Save & Publish and settings will be saved

More information about this plugin in a knowledgebase - https://mc4wp.com/kb/


The Instagram feed is based on a plugin Instagram Feed

  1. Install and activate plugin Instagram Feed - https://wordpress.org/plugins/instagram-feed/installation/
  2. Navigate to "Instagram Feed" in main navigation
  3. Connect your Instagram profile and change the settings
  4. Navigate to "Appearance  ›  Widgets"
  5. Add the "Text" widget to widget area of your choice
  6. Fill in the Title (e.g. "Instagram")
  7. Add the shortcode [instagram-feed] or [instagram-feed num=9 cols=3] to the Content field
  8. Save widget

More information about setting up the Instagram Feed - https://smashballoon.com/instagram-feed/free/


To translate the theme and plugins, you can use the Loco Translate plugin and should follow their instructions in Beginner's Guide. Otherwise please follow instructions below:

Translations of the theme

Main language file "ribeye.pot" is located in a "languages" folder in the main theme folder. To translate the theme, follow these basic steps:

  1. Download, install and open Poedit - https://www.poedit.net
  2. Navigate to File  ›  New Catalog from POT file ...
  3. Open "wp-content/themes/ribeye/languages/ribeye.pot" file
  4. Fill in the Catalog properties (optional)
  5. Save as file named by theme name ribeye and your language and country code ("language_COUNTRY.po" - "ribeye-fr_FR.po", "ribeye-cs_CZ.po", "ribeye-de_DE.po", etc.) into to the "wp-content/languages/themes" folder (if the folder does not exist, please create it)
  6. Fill in the translations
  7. Save the catalog
Set the language through the WordPress admin:
  1. In WordPress admin navigate to Settings  ›  General
  2. Choose you language in Site language field
Set the language through the "wp-config.php" file:
  1. Open "wp-config.php" file which is located in root WordPress folder and find the line:
    define('WPLANG', '');
  2. Fill in the language_COUNTRY code (same as in *.po file name):
    define('WPLANG', 'de_DE');
  3. Save "wp-config.php" file and upload back to your server

Now will be the theme translated to your language.

Translations of the plugin

Translations of the contact form, reservation form and backend phrases of the "FORQY Restaurant" plugin

  1. Open Poedit
  2. Navigate to File  ›  New Catalog from POT file ...
  3. Open "wp-content/plugins/forqy-restaurant/languages/forqy.pot" file
  4. Fill in the Catalog properties (optional)
  5. Save as file named by plugin name forqy and your language code and your country code ("forqy-language_COUNTRY.po" - "forqy-fr_FR.po", "forqy-cs_CZ.po", "forqy-de_DE.po", etc.) into to the "wp-content/languages/plugins" folder (if the folder does not exist, please create it)
  6. Fill in the translations
  7. Save the catalog


Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding this theme or need support, please contact us through the contact form on the Support Page of the theme.


If you need to help with the customizations of our themes, just let us know on our email support@forqy.com and we will create a quote for you.